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著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
S. Amini
N.D. Maines
Preconditioned Krylov Subspace Methods for Boundary Element Solution of the Helmholtz Equation Inter. J. Numer. Eng. 41 1998 875-898 preconditioned Krylov subspace methods; conjugate gradient; boundary integral equations; hypersingular operator; Helmholtz equation *
S.N. Atluri
T. Zhu
A New Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) Approch in Computational Mechanics Comput. Mech. 22 1998 117-127 * *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
T. Belyschko
Y. Krongauz
D. Organ
M. Fleming
P. Krysl
Meshless Methods: An Overview and Recent Developments Comp. Mech. Engrg. 139 1996 3-47 * * *
T. Belytschko
L. Gu
Element-Free Galerkin Methods Inter. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 37 1994 229-256 * *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
M. K. Chati
S. Mukherjee
G. H. Paaulino
The Meshless Hypersingular Boundary Node Method for Three-Dimensional Potential Theory and Linear Elasticity Problems Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 25 2001 639-653 boundary element method; boundary node method; hypersingular integrals; potential theory; linear elasticity * PDF
M. J. Chung
T. Belytschko
An Error Estimate in The EFG Method Comp. Mech. 21 1998 91-100 * * PDF
M. K. Chati
G. H. Paulino
S. Mukherjee
The Meshless Standard and Hypersingular Boundary Node Methods - Applications to Error Estimation and Adaptivity in Three-dimensional Problems Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 50 2001 2233-2269 mesh-free methods; boundary node method(BNM); hypersingular boundary node method(HBNM); singular residuals; hypersingular residuals; error estimates; adaptivity; parallel computing *
M. K. Chati
S. Mukherjee
The Boundary Node Method for Three-Dimensional Problems in Potential Theory Int. J. Numer. Meth Engng. 47 2000 1523-1547 meshless; boundary node method; potential theory *
Y.H. Chen
W.C. Chew
S. Zeroug
Fast Multipole Method as an Efficient Solver for 2D Elastic Wave Surface Integral Equations Comput. Mech. 20 1997 495-506 * *
G. Coletta
F. Zanovello
D. Uglietti
R. Tebano
R. Mele
Current Density Distribution in BSCCO-2223 Tapes in Overload Conditions * * * * AC losses in superconducting tape; current density distribution; overload *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
D.A. Dunavant High Degree Efficient Symmetrical Gaussian Quadrature Rules for the Triangle Inter. J. Numer. Methods Eng. 21 1985 1129-1148 * *
K. Davey
S. Bounds
A Preconditioning Strategy for the Solution of Linear Boundary Element Systems Using the GMRES Method Appl. Numer. Math. 23 1997 443-456 Preconditioner; GMRES; Boundary elements *
J. D'Elia
M. Storti
S. Idelsohn
Iterative Solution of Panel Method Discretizations for Potential Flow Problems. The Modal Multipolar Preconditioning Inter. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 32 2000 1-27 panel method; preconditioning; iterative solver; aerodynamics; potential flow; panel clustering *


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著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
H. Fukai
M. Tomita
M. Murakami
T. Nagatomo
Numerical Simulation of Trapped Magnetic Field for Bulk Superconductor * * * * trapped magnetic field; bulk superconductors; sand-pile model; geometrical effect *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
M.H. Gutknecht Variants of BiCGSTAB for Matrices with Complex Spectrum SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 14 1993 1020-1033 Lanczos algorithm; biconjugate gradient algorithm; conjugate gradient squared algorithm; BiCGStab; formal orthogonal polynomial; nonsymmetric linear system; Krylov space method *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
P.C. Hammer
O.P. Marlowe
A.H. Stroud
Numerical Integration Over Simplexes and Cones Math. Tables Other Aids Comput. 10 1956 130-137 * *
N. Heuer
E.P. Stephan
T. Tran
Multilevel Additive Schwarz Method for the h-p Version of the Galerkin Boundary Element Method Math. Comput. 67 1998 501-518 * *
M. Hirano
M. Satoh
O. Takebe
S.L. Zhang
GNU MPを用いたFortranコンパイラomf77の多倍精度浮動小数拡張 NAS2001 * 2001 55-58 * *
M. R. Hestenes
E. Stiefel
Methods of Conjugate Gradients for Solving Linear Systems J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards 49 1952 409-435 * *
K. Hasegawa
M. Natori
T. Yokono
A. Kamitani
Numerical Simulation on Contactless Measurement of Critical Current Density in HTS IEEE trans. Appl. superconductivity 13 2003 3687-3690 contactless method; flux-flow; spectral analysis *
T. Hanawa
S. Ikuno
A. Kamitani
Application of Parallelized Multigrid Method to Solution of MHD Equilibrium With MPI IEEE trans. Mag. 40 2004 1005-1008 Differential equations; magnetohydrodynamics(MHD); numerical analysis; parallel processing; plasma application *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
T. Itoh
D. Fujimoto
T. Kitagawa
S. Nakata
Incomplete Cholesky Preconditioners with Band-Diagonalization for Sparse Symmetric Systems Appl. Num. Anal. Comp. Math.1 3 2004 489-494 Krylov subspace iterative methods; incomplete Cholesky preconditioners; band-diagonalization; sparse symmetric systems; surface reconstruction problem *
T. Itoh
T. Kitagawa
S. Nakata
Implicit Surface Reconstruction of 3D Objects: Preconditioned Iterative Methods for the CSRBF-Type Linear Systems 電子情報通信学会 * * * Krylov 部分空間反復法; 前処理; 連立1次方程式; 陰関数表現; CSRBF *
H. Igarashi
T. Honma
Strategies for the Accurate Computation of Potential Drivatives in Boundary Element Method: Application to Two-Dimensional Problems J. Comput. Phys. 119 1995 244-251 * *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
城良友,田中覚.木村彰徳,岡将史,長谷川恭子,仲田晋,柴田章博 ブラウン運動を利用した陰関数曲面の衝突曲線・等高線の検出・可視化 電子情報通信学会論文誌 Vol.J88-D-II, No.12 2005 2388-2393 陰関数曲面,衝突曲線,確率的探索,可視化 *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
A. Kamitani
T. Takayama
S. Ikuno
Accuratenumerical calculationof shieldingcurrent densityin HTS thin film: application to noncontact measurement method of critical current density Physica C 463-465 2007 1009-1012 Computer-modelingandsimulation; Critical currents; Yttrium-basedhigh-Tc superconductors *
A. Kamitani
T. Takayama
S. Ikuno
Numerical investigations on nondestructive and contactless method for measuring critical current density by permanent magnet method Physica C 445-448 2006 417-421 Computer-modelingandsimulation; Critical currents; Yttrium-basedhigh-Tc superconductors *
A. Kamitani
S. Ikuno
T. Takayama
Transient response of shielding current density in HTS Physica C 426 2005 804-808 Galerkin method; Computer-modeling and simulation; Critical currents; Yttrium-based high-Tc superconductors *
N. Kojekine
I. Hagiwara
V. Savchenko
Software tools using CSRBFs for processing scattered data Comp. & Graph. 27 2003 311-319 Surface reconstruction and modification; Retouching; Scattered data interpolation; Computer graphics *
A. Kamitani
A. Saitoh
S. Ikuno
Numerical Simulation of Contactless Method for Measuring Critical Current Density - Relation Between Flux Flow in Whole Volume and Onset of Third Harmonics IEEE Trans. Appl. Superconductivity 14 2004 1670-1673 Finite element method; Galerkin method; high-temperature superconductors; Newton method; spectral analysis; *
A. Kamitani
A. Saitoh
S. Ikuno
T. Yokono
Numerical Simulation of Shhielding Currrent Density in HTS by Element-free Galerkin Method Physica C * 2003 1118-1123 Magnetic shielding; Magnetic levitation; YBCO; Numerical simulation *
A. Kamitani
T. Yokono
K. Hasegawa
Three-Dimensional Analysis on Time Evolution of Shielding Current in HTS IEEE Trans. Appl. Superconductivity 13 2003 1660-1663 Finite element methods; high-temperature superconductors; magnetic levitation; magnetic shielding *
A. Kamitani
K. Hasegawa
T. Yokono
Shielding Current Analysis of HTS Plate by Deaccelerated Newton Method with Variable Relaxation Factor Physica C * 2002 853-857 Magnetic shielding; Magnetic levitation; YBCO; Numerical simulation *
A. Kamitani
K. Hasegawa
T. Yokono
High Performance Method for Determination of Shielding Current Density in HTS Plate IEEE Trans. Mag. 38 2002 853-856 High-temperature superconductors; magnetic levitation; magnetic shielding; nonlinear equations *
A. Kamitani
K. Hasegawa
T. Yokono
S. Ohshima
Numerical Method for Determination of Shielding Current Density in Axisymmetric High Tc Superconducting Plates Under AC Magnetic Field Physica C * 2001 767-770 Magnetic shielding; Magnetic levitation; YBCO; Numerical simulation *
A. Kamitani
K. Hasegawa
T. Yokono
S. Ohshima
Influence of Magnetic-Field Dependence of Jc and ρf on Magnetic Shielding Performance of HTS Plates ISS * 1999 869-872 magnetic shielding; YBCO; flux flow; flux creep *
A. Kamitani
S. Ohshima
Magnetic Shielding Analysis of Axisymmetric HTS Plates in Mixed State IEICE Trans. Electron. E82-C 1999 766-773 magnetic shielding; superconductor; YBCO; flux flow; flux creep *
N.V. Kantartzis
T.I. Kosmanis
T.D. Tsiboukis
Fully Nonorthogonal Higher-Order Accurate FDTD Schemes for the Systematic Development of 3-D Reflectionless PMLs in General Curvilinear Coordinate Systems * * * * Curvilinear nonorthogonal coordinates; FDTD methods; higher-order schemes; perfectly matched layers *
The Adaptive Cross-Approximation Technique for the 3-D Boundary-Element Method IEEE Trans. Mag. 38 2002 421-424 Boundary-element methods; fast methods; finite-element methods *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
W. K. Liu
Y. Chen
R. A. Uras
C. T. Chang
Generalized Multiple Scale Reproducing Kerne Particle Methods Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg. 139 1996 91-157 * * *
W. K. Liu
S. Jun
Y. Zhang
Reproducing Kernel Particle Methods Chichester. 20 1995 1081-1106 multiple scale decomposition; correction function; multi-resolution analysis; reproducing kernel function; wavelet; mesh-(or grid-) free particle methods *
D. Lahaye
H.De. Gersem
S. Vandewalle
K. Hameyer
Algebraic Multigrid for Complex Symmetric Systems * * * * solution of algebraic systems of equations; eddy current *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
Y. Mukherjee
S. Mukherjee
The Boundary Node Method for Potential Problems Int. J. Numer. Meth Engng. 40 1997 797-815 meshless; boundary node method; element-free Galerkin method *
H. Miura
T. Hayashi
T. Sato
Nonlinear Simulation of Resistive Ballooning Modes in the Large Helical Device Phys. Plasmas 8 2001 4870-4878 * *
D. Miyagi
O. Tsukamoto
M. Ciszek
Study on Frequency Dependence of AC Transport Current Losses in HTS Tapes Subject to DC Background Field * * 2000 * Bi2223/Ag sheathed tape; Thin-layer YBCO conductor; AC transport current loss; Norris formula; HTS applications *
N. Mizuguchi
T. Hayashi
T. Sato
Computer Simulation of MHD Relaxation Phenomena in Spherical Tokamak プラズマ・核融合学会誌 77 2001 309-316 numerical simulation; spherical tokamak; magnetohydrodynamics; MHD simulation; non-uniform grid; finite difference; magnetic reconnection; ballooning mode *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
S. Nakata An Efficient Scheme for Meshless Analysis Based on Radial Basis Functions ESCMSE * * * * *
B. Nayroles
G. Touzot
P. Villon
Generalizing the Finite Element Method: Diffuse Approximation and Diffuse Elements Comput. Mech. 10 1992 307-318 * *
N. Nishimura
K. Yoshida
S. Kobayashi
A Fast Multipole boundary Integral Equation Method for Crack Problems in 3D Eng. Anal. Boundary Elements 23 1999 97-105 Fast multipole boundary integral equation method; FMM; GMRES; Crack; Fast method *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
J. F. O'Brien Modelling with Implicit Surfaces that Interpolate ACM Tran. on Graph. 21 2002 855-873 Implicit surfaces; thin-plate techniques; function interpolation; modeling *


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A.L. Rakhmanov
V.S. Vysotsky
Yu.A. Ilyin
T. Kiss
M. Takeo
Universal Scaling Law for Quench Development in HTSC Devices Cryogenics 40 2000 19-27 HTSC tapes; Magnets; Stability; Quench *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
Y. Saad
M.H. Schultz
GMRES: A Generalized Minimal Residual Algorithm for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 7 1986 856-869 nonsymmetric systems; Krylor subspaces; conjugate gradient; descent methods; minimal residual methods *
R. Schuhmann
T. Weiland
The Nonorthogonal Finite Integration Technique Applied to 2D- and 3D-Eigenvalue Problems * * * * FDTD methods; Nonorthogonal coordinates; Eigenvalue problems *
S.W. Song
R.E. Baddour
Parallel Processing for Boundary Element Computations on Distributed systems Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 19 1997 73-84 Parallel boundary elements; distributed memory; dense nonsymmetric linear equations; performance of parallel systems; multiprocessor benchmarking *
P. Sonneveld CGS, A Fast Lanczos-Type Solver for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 10 1989 36-52 preconditioned conjugate gradients; Lanczos algorithm; iterative methods; CG; CGS; SPD; Bi-CG *
E.P. Stephan
T. Tran
Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Indefinite Hypersingular Integral Equations: The h and p Versions SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 19 1998 1139-1153 boundary integral equation method; additive Schwarz method; domain decomposition; nonsymmetric and indefinite *
GMRES With New Preconditioning for Solving BEM-Type Linear System IEEE Trans. Mag. 40 2004 1084-1087 Boundary-element methods; conjugate gradient methods; linear systems *
A. Saitoh
A. Kamitani
Application of GMRES with novel preconditioning to BEM-type linear system Comput. Eng. I * 2004 281-289 * *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
M. Tsuchimoto
K. Matsuura
N. Homma
M. Matsuda
Numerical Evaluation of Levitaion Force of a Stack with High Tc Superconductiong Thin Films Physica C 282-287 1997 2631-2632 * * *
K. Takeishi
A. Saito
Y. Takano
T. Nakamura
M. Yokoo
S. Hirano
S. Ohshima
A Non-contact Measuring System for Critical Current Density Using a Permanent Magnet J. Cryo. Soc. Jpn. 40 2005 340-345 critical current density; new measurement system; HTS/TD> * *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
M. Utamura
M. Koizumi
Development of Computer Program for Analyzing Three-Dimensional Pressure Field in Pressure Suppression System Jour. Nucle. Sci. Tech. 22 1985 733-741 boundary element method; numerical analysis; pressure suppression system; hydrodynamic load, BWR type reactors, accuracy, computer programs * *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
F.P. Valente
H.L.G. Pina
Iterative Solvers for BEM Algebraic Systems of Equations Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 22 1998 117-124 Conjugate gradient; Bi-conjugate gradient; Conjugate gradient squared; Bi-conjugate stab; Preconditioning; Iterative techniques; Boundary element method *
H.A. Van Der Vorst Bi-CGSTAB: A Fast and Smoothly Converging Variant of Bi-CG for the Solution of Nonsymmetric Linear Systems SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput. 13 1992 631-644 Bi-CG; CG-S; nonsymmetric linear systems; iterative solver; preconditioning *
Y.N. Vorobjev
H.A. Scheraga
A Fast Adaptive Multigrid Boundary Element Method for Macromolecular Electrostatic Computations in a Solvent John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 18 1997 569-583 fast multigrid; boundary element method; macromolecular electrostatic calculations; Poisson equation *
V.S. Vysotsky
Y.A. Ilyin
A.L. Rakhmanov
M. Takeo
Quench Development Analysis in HTSC Coils by Use of the Universal Scaling Theory ASC'2000 Conference * * * HTSC magnets; quench development *


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著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
H. Yamasaki
Y. Mawatari
Y. Nakagawa
Nondestructive inducitive measurement of local critical current densityes in Bi-2223 thick films Superconductor Sci. and Tech. 17 2004 916-920 * *
T. Yokono
K. Hasegawa
A. Kamitani
Magnetic Shielding Analysis of High-Tc Superconducting Plates by Power Law, Flux-Flow, and Flux-Creep Models IEEE Trans. Appl. Superconductivity 13 2003 1672-1675 Flux creep; flux flow; magnetic shielding; pewer law; YBCO *
T. Yokono
K. Hasegawa
A. Kamitani
Dependence of Spatial Distribution of Shielding Current Density in HTS Plate on Applied Magnetic Field Profile IEEE Trans. Appl. Superconductivity 11 2001 2236-2239 flux creep; flux flow; magnetic shielding; HTS plate; nonlinear equation *
T. Yokono
K. Hasegawa
A. Kamitani
Numerical Investigation on Phase Difference Between Shielding Current Density and Applied Magnetic Field Physica C * 2001 755-758 Flux creep; Flux flow; High-Tc superconductors; Shamanskii method *
T. Yokono
A. Kamitani
Spectral Analysis of Magnetic Fields Induced by Shielding Current Density in HTS Plate Physica C * 2002 798-802 Flux creep; Flux flow; Spectral analysis *
T. Yokono
M. Natori
S. Ohshima
A. Kamitani
Numerical Method for Magnetic Shielding Analysis of Axisymmetric HTS Plates by Flux Flow Creep Model ISS * 1999 1459-1462 YBCO; magnetic shielding; flux flow creep model; Newton-Raphson method; FEM *
K. Yoshida
N. Nishimura
S. kobayashi
Analysis of Three Dimensional Elastostatic Crack Problem with Fast Multipole Boundary Integral Equation Method J. Appl. Mech. JSCE 1 1998 1672-1675 FMM; BIE; GMRES *
K. Yoshida
N. Nishimura
S. kobayashi
Application of Fast Multipole Galerkin Boundary Integral Equation Method to Elastostatic Crack Problem in 3D Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 50 2001 525-547 BIEM; BEM; FMM; Galerkin's method; GMRES; crack *
K. Yoshida
N. Nishimura
S. kobayashi
Analysis of Three Dimensional Scattering of Scalar Waves by Cracks with Fast Multipole Boundary Integral Equation Method Trans. Jpn. Soc. Mech. Eng. 50 2001 525-547 BIEM; BEM; FMM; Galerkin's method; GMRES; crack *
K. Yoshida
N. Nishimura
S. kobayashi
Analysis of Three Dimensional Scattering of Elastic Waves by A Crack with Fast Multipole Boundary Integral Equation Method J. Appl. Mech. JSCE 3 2000 143-150 FMM; Wigner-3j symbol; BIE; GMRES; BIEM *


著者 タイトル 論文誌 巻番号 発行年 ページ キーワード 分類番号 PDF File
T. Zhu
J. D. Zhang
S. N. Atluri
A Local Boundary Integral Equation (LBIE) Method in Computational Mechanics, and A Meshless Discritization Approach Comp. Mech. 21 1998 223-235 * * PDF
J. Zhang
Z. Yao
Meshless Regular Hybrid Boundary Node Method CMES 2 2001 307-318 * *
J. Zhang
Z. Yao
H. Li
A Hybrid Boundary Node Method Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng. 53 2002 751-763 meshless methods; hybrid boundary node method; moving least-squares approximation *
S. L. Zhang GPBi-CG: Generalized Product-Type Methods Based on Bi-CG for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 18 1997 537-551 Bi-CG; Bi-CGSTAB; Bi-CGSTAB2; CGS; nonsymmetric linear systems; product-type methods; retructuring Bi-CG; residual polynomial; three-term recurrence relations *